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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Amazing Weight Loss - How Ordinary People Are Using Regular Cheat Days to Lose More Fat

I am going to share an amazing weight loss tip that allows you to enjoy favorite foods like pizza, burgers and ice cream on a regular basis to actually accelerate your fat loss. Don't believe it can be true? Think it is a gimmick? This concept is not new and has been heavily researched for over 10 years and proven to work in thousands of real-world cases. Curious? Then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read on.

Amazing Weight Loss

Let me start out by talking about a common problem for dieters. When you go on a diet and reduce your calorie intake your body doesn't know that you are dieting...it fears you are starving and because of this it takes action to keep you from wasting away by slowing down your metabolism.

So as you continue to diet your body continues to make it harder and harder to burn fat. Not good.

The good news is that the opposite is also true, when you increase your calories your metabolism leaps into action to take care of the extra calories and you burn fat quickly. The secret of course is striking the balance between the right amount of low calorie days and the right amount of high calorie days.

A formula that works is to diet strictly for 6 days and then have a "cheat day" on day 7 where you allow yourself to eat whatever food you like. This one day of overeating springs your metabolism that had been slowing for the past 6 days back to near normal level and the rebound is so fast that your body does not create new fat from the overeating day.

Amazing weight loss can be a part of your week, others are already doing this with great success and I encourage you to prove it to yourself.

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